Transforming Behavior Challenges in Schools: Strategies for Inclusive Education and Teacher Support - Creatively Focused

Transforming Behavior Challenges in Schools: Strategies for Inclusive Education and Teacher Support

Educators are encountering a wave of behavioral challenges in schools today that can leave them emotionally drained and overwhelmed. 


The surge in behavior issues, particularly amplified by the aftermath of the pandemic, reveals deeper systemic issues within K-12 district leadership, administrators, and teachers. This situation calls for a reassessment of classroom management strategies and a greater focus on supporting educators to prevent burnout. 


Despite these challenges, special education teams provide a source of optimism.


Special education professionals possess a special skill: they can identify and celebrate small victories that show changes and growth in behavior. They deal with behavior issues every day, constantly improving their ability to help students make progress. By incorporating their expertise into mainstream education practices, schools can ensure that all students, regardless of their needs, receive the support and encouragement they require to succeed.


Learning does not occur in a vacuum, and student’s perceptions of their class environment can have a real impact on their learning outcomes. Let’s discover how schools can enhance behavior management processes through three key strategies.


Bridge the ‘Expertise Gap’ for Inclusive and Equitable Classrooms


Behavioral issues are a primary reason why over half of teachers leave the field (51%). To combat the fatigue and isolation educators experience when dealing with behavior issues, adopting a more community-based approach is essential.


Having the support of special education teachers directly in the classroom, rather than isolated in their own setting, equips other educators with the confidence and resources necessary to effectively manage behavior-related situations, contributing to the creation of more inclusive and equitable classrooms where all students receive the support they need to succeed.


Bridging the expertise gap between special education teachers, who often have significant experience in behavior management, and general education classrooms struggling with classroom management, allows for more effective and tailored approaches that benefit all students.



Rethink Professional Development


Prioritizing professional development is paramount to addressing behavior management effectively. Teachers require more than just one-shot workshops; they need ongoing opportunities to refine their skills and adapt their instruction in real time. 


Unfortunately, traditional methods often fall short. Fragmented tech solutions and one-day workshops lack lasting impact and fail to meet the diverse needs of educators, leaving them overwhelmed and feeling undervalued. Rather than fostering genuine growth, these sessions often become mere checkboxes, lacking the necessary resources for proactive classroom management.


Districts should prioritize continuous, personalized training that builds educators’ confidence and skills in managing behavior while also addressing issues of burnout and retention. Realizing the lasting benefits of improved professional development requires time, unwavering commitment, and visionary leadership. 


Play the Long Game


Changing behavior systems is a complex process that requires patience and sustained effort. Much like children seeking instant gratification, adults often seek quick solutions to intricate problems. However, transforming behavior systems within schools cannot happen overnight. Educators need ongoing support and access to up-to-date research-based tools to adapt to evolving behavior strategies and disciplinary tactics. This includes staying informed about advancements in classroom management techniques.


Districts should establish a structured system with clear protocols for reporting and handling incidents and access to additional support from behavior specialists or counselors. 


Educators require a reliable platform where they can easily access guidance and seek support. It’s not about choosing between technology or consulting teams; rather, it’s about embracing both technological innovation and human support. This combination ensures that educators have the necessary tools and resources to feel prepared and thrive in managing classroom behavior successfully. 



How Creatively Focused Can Help


Creatively Focused recognizes the intricate challenges educators encounter in behavior management and provides holistic solutions to support both special education teams and general educators.


Creatively Focused’s user-friendly resource center, axis3 connects special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators with instant personal support, workflow management help, and professional development tools. 


The tailored professional development programs provide continuous training and resources to help educators build the confidence and skills they need for behavior management. axis3 fosters collaboration and shared learning across disciplines through multiple channels of communication that ensure all educators receive the support they need in the classroom exactly when they need it.


With Creatively Focused, districts get a curated resource library, based on teacher profiles, covering topics in due process, instructional strategies, and behavior systems.


Ready to transform your school’s behavior management system and promote equity and inclusion in education? Partner with Creatively Focused today! We provide direct, personalized support from special education professionals who understand your role and value as an educator. Together, we can create inclusive and supportive learning environments where all students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.